Some translated bits of
Warrior Talk #23.
This was released on February 17th.
Len Huard (Former Boxer, Dutch Boxing Council Chairman)
- Started out doing TaeKwonDo as a kid, because his mom didn't like him getting punched in the face.
- Has trained in Kickboxing for a while.
- Ultimately settled for Boxing and started doing fights.
- Hated every moment before a fight, but loved every moment after.
- Is part of a law firm and was approached for the Dutch Boxing Council because of his background.
- Eventually moved to the position of Chairman.
- The council runs on a voluntary basis.
- Has faith in Boxing remaining part of the Olympics.
- Was involved in setting up World Boxing after the IOC withdrew recognition of the IBA due to claims of Russian corruption.
- Believes the Netherlands still has a chance to qualify for the upcoming Olympics.
- Is a big fan of Usyk and believes he can beat Fury.
Charles Blesgraaf (Former Boxer, Dutch Boxing Council Head of Commission)
- Started Boxing as a kid.
- Had his first fight after four months of training.
- Names Muhammad Ali as his role model, for both his accomplishments inside and outside of the sport.
- Has also been a video analyst for professional football and believes it can be used more efficiently in fight sports.
- Knows Tyson Fury personally and is a big fan.
- Believes Fury's reach will be too much for Usyk.
Mohammed Boutasaa (OneFC)
- Came into contact with Mo Ben Nasser as a kid and started training under him.
- Has been with Mo Ben Nasser ever since.
- Thinks his knees are his best weapon.
- Was introcuded to OneFC by Maik Polanen after having sparred with Enriko Kehl.
- Would like to fight in Glory so that more friends and family can attend his fights, but has been happy in One so far.
- Could see himself moving to Welterweight eventually.
Maurice Hols
- Hols' portion is already covered in
this post.
At some point Hols was asked about doing a crossover event with OneFC or other promotions. Hols said while he could see Glory co-promoting with other promotions like they do with Rise, he isn't particularly interested in working with One.
Overall a pretty interesting talk and I have to wonder if at that point Hols (and possibly others) already knew he was leaving. He wasn't an unpleasant table guest and I wonder what happened to make him leave.
Man, WarriorCode has been putting out a ton of content lately.